On the other hand (excuse the pun!), men with an index finger as long as or near to the length of their ring finger will most probably be your Mr Reliable.
Researchers at the University measured finger lengths and personality differences among 415 men and women, reports DailyMail.
Key researcher, Eric Stenstrom states: 'Our findings show an association between high testosterone and risk-taking among males in three domains: recreational, social and financial. Since women tend to be attracted to men who are fit, assertive and rich, men are apt to take risks with sports, people and money to be attractive to potential mates.'
Another study at Cambrige University on pressurised London traders found that men with longer ring fingers made, on average, six times more money than their opposites and also survived more years in the business!
So what determines finger length? Apparently it is exposure to high levels of the hormone testosterone when in the womb, which affects both finger length and attitude to risk.
Honey...I need a closer look at your hands...
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